Adult Inpatient
- TWO (2) Care Partners will be designated by the patient and remain the
same throughout the admission.
- Social visitation is permitted from 8AM until 8PM.
- Children under the age of 18 may visit between 8AM and 8PM. Children under
the age of 18 may not enter isolation rooms. Children 15 and under must
be accompanied at all times by an adult.
- A limit of FOUR (4) persons may be present at the bedside. Children are
included in the 4 person maximum.
- Only ONE (1) Care Partner permitted to stay the night from 8PM until 8AM.
- Care Partners and social visitors may not congregate in care areas or hallways.
Those waiting to visit may utilize designated waiting areas or non-clinical
public areas.
- Care Partners and social visitors may switch in the lobby, waiting rooms,
or other public areas.
- Transition at the bedside may be permitted, if needed for the safety of
the patient. Nursing leadership will determine this by exception.
- Exceptions may be granted by nursing leadership, on a case by case basis,
to allow additional persons at the bedside, if deemed necessary for the
well-being of the patient.
Adult Inpatient Confirmed or suspected COVID-19
- TWO (2) Care Partners will be designated by the patient and remain the
same throughout the admission
- ONE (1) Care Partner is permitted in the room at a time.
- Only ONE (1) Care Partner permitted to stay the night.
- Care Partners may alternate presence at the bedside TWICE within a 24-hour
period, switch may occur in lobby or public spaces only.
- Transition at the bedside may be permitted, if needed for the safety of
the patient. Clinical leadership will determine this by exception.
- NO social visitation.
End of Life/Imminent Death
- TWO (2) Care Partners will be identified and remain the same throughout
the admission;
Actively Dying Patients (non-Covid)/Imminent Death:
- Family and friends openly permitted.
- Children under the age of 18 are permitted. All children age 15 years and
younger MUST be accompanied by an adult at all times.
- A limit of FOUR (4) persons at the bedside.
For confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients
- The TWO (2) identified Care Partners may remain in the room at the same time.
- Community Clergy are permitted for spiritual support.
- Care team will notify Guest Services of EOL/Imminent Death visitation status
and any associated exemptions
Critical Care
- TWO (2) Care Partners will be designated by the patient and remain the
same throughout the admission.
- Social visitation permitted 8:00AM to 8:00PM.
- Children 12 and older may visit. Children under the age of 18 may not enter
isolation rooms. Children age 15 and under must be accompanied at all
times by an adult.
- A limit of TWO (2) persons at the bedside.
- Only ONE (1) Care Partner permitted to stay the night from 8PM until 8AM.
- Care Partners and visitors may not congregate in care areas or hallways.
Those waiting to visit may utilize designated waiting areas or non-clinical
public areas.
- Care Partners and social visitors may switch in the lobby, waiting rooms,
or other public areas.
- Transition at the bedside may be permitted, if needed for the safety of
the patient. Clinical leadership will determine this by exception.
Emergency Department (ED)
- TWO (2) Visitors are permitted to provide support, transportation, care
continuity, and receive education regarding patient's care.
- ONE (1) Visitor for Covid-19 positive patient.
- Children 12 and younger must have ED Charge approval for visiting.
Behavioral Health Services
- No Care Partner or social visitors allowed.
- TWO (2) Care Partners will be designated at admission and must remain the
same throughout admission.
- Social visitation permitted.
- A limit of 4 persons at the bedside, children 12 and older unless siblings
of patient.
- TWO (2) Care Partners will be designated at admission and are banded. Care
Partners will remain the same throughout the admission.
- Grandparents are allowed to visit from 8AM-8PM.
- Siblings 12 and older are allowed to visit with banded person from 8AM-8PM.
- A limit of FOUR (4) persons at the bedside and one must include a banded
Care Partner. Siblings are included in the four person maximum.
- ONE (1) Family designated Cuddler may be chosen and may be at bedside without
Care Partner but not receive medical information.
- Care Partners and social visitors may not congregate in care areas or hallways.
Those waiting to visit my utilize designated waiting areas or non-clinical
public areas.
- Care Partners and social visitors may switch in lobby, waiting rooms, or
other public areas.
Labor and Delivery
- TWO (2) Care Partners designated at admission and must remain same throughout
- A limit of THREE (3) persons may be present at the bedside at one time.
Siblings of the newborn are permitted to visit after delivery, until transfer
to Mother/Baby. If an extended stay is needed on Labor and Delivery, the
siblings may visit for 2 hours after delivery and/or during visiting hours, 8AM-8PM.
- Care Partners and social visitors may not congregate in care areas or hallways.
Those waiting to visit may utilize designated waiting areas or non-clinical
public areas.
- Care Partners and social visitors may switch in the Labor and Delivery
waiting room.
Mother Baby
- TWO (2) Care Partners designated during Labor and Delivery admission and
remain the same for admission.
- Only ONE (1) Care Partner permitted to stay the night, other Care Partner
must leave at end of visiting hours.
- Social visitation is permitted from 8AM-8PM.
- Children 15 and under must be accompanied at all times by an adult.
- A limit of FOUR (4) persons may be present at the bedside. Children are
included in the 4-person maximum, however if there are more three siblings
of the newborn then a once daily 2-hour visit will be allowed.
- Care Partners and social visitors may not congregate in care areas or hallways.
Those waiting to visit must utilized designated waiting areas or non-clinical
public areas.
- Care Partners and social visitors may switch in the lobby, waiting rooms,
or other public areas.
AM Admissions
- ONE (1) Procedural Support person allowed to be with patient after completion
of AM Admission process.
- Social Visitors may wait in designated waiting areas.
- If patient admitted, Care Partner designation will occur according the
VH visitation level.
Surgical Services
- ONE (1) Procedural Support person allowed to be with patient after completion
of AM Admission process.
- Social Visitors may wait in designated waiting areas.
- If patient admitted, Care Partner designation will occur according the
VH visitation level.
Heart & Vascular/Non-invasive and Invasive Cardiology
- TWO (2) Procedural Support persons allowed to be with patient in pre-procedural area.
- Procedural Support person permitted to wait in designated waiting area
during procedure.
- If patient admitted, Care Partner designation will occur according to VH
visitation level.
Acute Rehab
- Up to TWO (2) Adult Care Partners will be designated by the patient and
remain the same throughout the admission.
- Social visitors are permitted. Children 15 and under must be accompanied
by an adult at all times.
- No more than FOUR (4 ) visitors at the bedside at a time- this includes children.
Visiting Hours: Monday through Saturday 4PM–8PM; Sundays 11AM-8PM
Care Partners and Social Visitors will arrive at the lower lobby entrance
using the non-sliding double doors.
- Ring the Rehab bell- on the white box
- Staff will answer and then will unlock the door to your left for you to enter
- Use the elevators to come to the 3rd floor
- Check in at the front desk off the elevator
- Staff will ask a series of questions assuring Care Partners and Visitors
are not ill.
- Care partner visits outside of designated visitation hours will be arranged
on an individual basis.
Care Partners and visitors may not congregate in the hallway outside of
the patient's room.
- Care Partners and visitors must utilize the lower lobby area to wait.
Critical Access Hospital: Transitional Care patients (ONLY)
- TWO (2) Care Partners will be designated by the patient and remain the
same throughout the admission.
- Social visitation is permitted from 8AM until 8PM.
- Children under the age of 18 may visit between 8AM and 8PM.
- Children under the age of 18 may not enter isolation rooms.
- Children 15 and under must be accompanied at all times by an adult.
- A limit of FOUR (4) persons at the bedside.
- Only ONE (1) Care Partner permitted to stay the night from 8PM until 8AM.
- Care Partners and social visitors may not congregate in care areas or hallways.
Those waiting to visit may utilize designated waiting areas or non-clinical
public areas.
- Care Partners and social visitors may switch in the lobby, waiting rooms,
or other public areas.
- Transition at the bedside may be permitted, if needed for the safety of
the patient. Clinical leadership will determine this by exception.
WV Hospital Long Term and Extended Care Facilities
Persons with a Disability
- A disabled patient, or their designee, defined as the patient's guardian,
authorized representative, or care provider, is allowed to identify TWO
(2) "designated support persons", referred to as Care Partners,
to accompany the patient during an admission.
- Social visitation is permitted from 8AM until 8PM.
- Children 12 and older may visit.
- A limit of FOUR (4) persons at the bedside.
- Only ONE (1) Care Partner permitted to stay the night from 8PM until 8AM.
- Care Partners and social visitors may not congregate in care areas or hallways.
Those waiting to visit may utilize designated waiting areas or non-clinical
public areas.
- Care Partners and social visitors may switch in the lobby, waiting rooms,
or other public areas.
- Transition at the bedside may be permitted, if needed for the safety of
the patient. Clinical leadership will determine this by exception
- Badged Community Clergy may visit in addition to the four (4) maximum persons
at the bedside.
- Unbadged Community Clergy may visit as one of the four (4) guests at the bedside.
- All Community Clergy must adhere to current masking and infection control
policies as indicated in the Universal Source Control (Universal Masking) policy.
End of Life/Imminent Death: Badged Community Clergy are permitted in addition to the four (4) maximum
persons at the bedside. Unbadged Clergy are permitted as one of the four
(4) guests at the bedside.
- Virtual visitation options are also available through Valley Health Chaplaincy.
Family Meetings/ Goals of Care Discussion (all units)/Post-Acute Care Liasons
- Family meetings for goals of care discussion and decision making are permitted
and will be arranged by the care team.
- To maintain continuity of care, Post-Acute Care Liaisons may visit a specific
patient when the visit has been coordinated in advance by the patient's
primary Social Worker or Case Manager. Post-Acute Care Liaison visits
do not count toward the 4-visitor daily limit per patient.
Imaging Services
- ONE (1) Procedural Support person allowed to be with patient in pre-procedural
area and registration.
- Procedural Support person permitted to wait in designated waiting area
during procedure.
- If patient admitted, Care Partner designation will occur according to VH
visitation level.
Infusion Center
- ONE (1) Procedural Support person allowed to be with patient in pre-procedural area.
- Procedural Support person permitted to wait in designated waiting area
during procedure.
- If patient admitted, Care Partner designation will occur according to VH
visitation level.
Outpatient Diagnostic Center
- ONE (1) Procedural Support person allowed to be with patient in pre-procedural area.
- Procedural Support person permitted to wait in designated waiting area
during procedure.
- If patient admitted, Care Partner designation will occur according to VH
visitation level.
Cardiac Rehab
- ONE (1) Care Partner is permitted to arrive with the patient.
- Care Partner will remain in waiting area during exercise sessions.
- Care Partner permitted to attend classroom orientation session.
- TWO (2) family members, 13 and older once the patient has been in PACU
for 2 hours, and only for 10 minutes.
START Clinic
- ONE (1) Procedural Support person allowed to be with patient in pre-procedural
area and registration.
- Procedural Support person permitted to wait in designated waiting area
during procedure.
Surgi Center
- ONE (1) Procedural Support person allowed to be with patient in pre-procedural
area and registration.
- Procedural Support person permitted to wait in designated waiting area
during procedure.
Surgery Center
- ONE (1) Procedural Support person allowed to be with patient in pre-procedural area.
- Procedural Support person permitted to wait in designated waiting area
during procedure.
Wound Care
- TWO (2) Care Partners will be designated by the patient that are permitted
to be with the patient during outpatient visit.
- ONE (1) social visitor permitted.
Transition Center
- ONE (1) Procedural Support person allowed to be with patient in pre-procedural area.
- Procedural Support person permitted to wait in designated waiting area
during procedure.
Cancer Center
- One Care Partner designated by the patient is permitted..
- Care Partners may participate in approved, limited, group clinical educational events.
- Upon approval by the oncologist, the Care Partner may accompany the patient
into the exam room.
- No Care Partner is permitted in procedural areas (Radiation/Infusion).
- One (1) (Care Partner) Procedural Support person permitted at registration
and at bedside.
- Social visitors permitted to wait in designated waiting areas.
- If patient admitted, inpatient Care Partner process initiated.
Heart Failure Clinic
- TWO (2) Care Partners are permitted to escort and remain in exam room with
the patient during the clinic visit.
- ONE (1) Care Partner is permitted to escort and remain in the exam room
with the patient during the procedure.
Health Education Classes
- Instructor must escort class participates from outside door to classroom.
- Instructor must badge all class participates.