The Shenandoah Valley Family Practice Residency has opportunities for both third year and fourth year medical student rotations. Third year students rotate with us in the Front Royal Family Practice Rural Health Clinic (RHC) as a rural family practice block. Fourth year students have both acting internship and a rural family practice rotation available. We give priority to fourth year medical students who are actively pursuing Family Medicine Residency for rotations between July 1 through January 30. Rotations between February 1 and May 31 are made available to third year students in mid to late June. All student rotations with our residency program are four week rotations.
Free housing is provided for students on all residency rotations. Blocks fill up early, so please get your requests in as soon as your schedule is available. Scheduling is done by our Residency Manager, Tina Krajacic. Please contact her via email at SVFPR@valleyhealthlink.com.