Carotid Artery Disease
Cause and What to Watch For
Carotid artery disease is caused by a narrowing of the blood vessels that
supply the brain. This narrowing is due to a blockage in the artery primarily
composed of cholesterol and inflammatory cells. If the blockage progresses
pieces of the blockage can break off and go to the brain, causing a stroke.
Symptoms that you may experience:
Visual loss in one eye: Usually like a shade being pulled down
Speech difficulty: Hard to understand or form words
Facial changes: One side of the face may droop
Weakness: On one side of the body of an arm or leg or both
Balance: Sudden loss of balance with profound dizziness
How to Diagnose Carotid Artery Disease
Your doctor will perform a physical exam and listen to your neck arteries.
Several imaging tests diagnose possible carotid artery disease, including
carotid ultrasound, CT scan of neck arteries and MRI scan of neck arteries.
How to Treat Carotid Artery Disease
Your doctor may prescribe medications to help manage the disease and prevent
buildup of additional cholesterol in the carotid artery. Controlling blood
pressure and making healthy lifestyle changes are important. A procedure
to open blocked arteries may be necessary.
- Blood thinners: Aspirin, Plavix, Aggrenox
- Cholesterol therapy: Statins, PCSK9 inhibitors, Zetia, Vascepa
- Blood pressure control
- Diet
- Exercise
- Smoking Cessation
Procedures to Fix Blocked Arteries
Angioplasty and Stent
- Small tube placed in the leg or wrist artery and taken up to the neck arteries.
Pictures taken of the neck arteries. Blockages moved out of the way with
a small balloon and then a stent is used to keep the artery open and trap
the blockage. Procedure done with mild sedation. Usually stay in hospital
Carotid Surgery (Endarterectomy)
- Surgeon opens the artery and removes the blockage, then covers the area
with a patch. Done with full anesthesia. Usually stay in hospital overnight.
TCAR (Transcarotid Artery Revascularization)
- Newer procedure in which a small surgery is done in the neck to gain access
to the artery and then a stent is placed.