Here at Valley Health, we strive to find ways to help our patients live healthier lives. Our medically based fitness programs focus attention to the unique needs of each client to help people of all activity levels achieve their goals. Our fitness centers also offer specialized programs which prepare patients for elective surgery or provide expert support after treatment. Contact our fitness experts to learn more.
We also offer classes and screenings to help you achieve your wellness goals. From weight loss and nutrition classes, to free and reduced cost health screenings to massage therapy, we’re committed to finding ways to help the members of our communities in Virginia and West Virginia live healthier, happier lives.
Valley Health has two wellness and fitness facilities. Each of these facilities approaches health and fitness from a medical perspective, serving individuals of all ages and fitness levels. Our staff of degreed and certified fitness specialists, dietitians and health educators, works collaboratively to help our members pursue their health and wellness goals. To learn more, click on the location most convenient for you.
Read more about our fitness and wellness services on these pages: