Adult Inpatient
- TWO (2) Care Partners will be designated by the patient to serve as active
participants in the patient's care, and entered into EPIC by the care
team. The designated Care Partners will remain the same throughout the
- 4 guests in hospital per day per room. Guests may be Care Partners or Social Visitors.
- The 4 guests may come and go but must remain the same for that day.
- Limit 2 guests at the bedside. Guests must be 18 years or older. The care
team will monitor the number of visitors at the bedside.
- Guests who are not at the bedside may not congregate in the hallway outside
of the patient’s room. Waiting areas and lobby areas should be utilized.
- Guests may switch in non-care areas such lobbies, café, and waiting areas.
- Only ONE (1) Care Partner permitted to stay the night from 8PM until 8AM.
- The overnight guest will inform the Information Desk that they will be
staying overnight and must obtain a new visitor badge from the Information
Desk the next morning.
Adult Inpatient Confirmed or suspected COVID-19
- TWO (2) Care Partners will be designated by the patient and remain the
same throughout the admission.
- ONE (1) Care Partner is permitted in the room at a time.
- Only ONE (1) Care Partner permitted to stay the night.
- Care Partners may alternate presence at the bedside TWICE within a 24-hour
period. Switch may occur in lobby or public spaces only.
- Transition at the bedside may be permitted, if needed for the safety of
the patient
- NO social visitation.
End of Life/Comfort Care
- TWO (2) Care Partners will be identified and remain the same throughout
the admission.
Non-COVID Patients
- Family and friends openly permitted.
- TWO (2) persons are allowed at the bedside at a time, and may switch in
non-care areas.
- Children under the age of 18 are permitted. All children 15 years and younger
MUST be accompanied by an adult at all times.
- Care team will notify Guest Services of EOL/Imminent Death visitation status
and any associated exemptions.
- Badged Community Clergy and unbadged Clergy are permitted for End of Life
spiritual support.
- Virtual visitation options are also available through Valley Health Chaplaincy.
COVID Positive Patients
- The TWO (2) designated Care Partners may be in the room at the same time.
- Community Clergy are permitted for End of Life spiritual support.
- Care team will notify Guest Services of EOL/Imminent Death visitation status
and any associated exemptions.
- Virtual visitation options are also available through Valley Health Chaplaincy.
Critical Care
- TWO (2) Care Partners will be designated by the patient to serve as active
participants in the patient's care, and entered into EPIC by the care
team. The designated Care Partners will remain the same throughout the
- 4 guests in hospital per day per room. Guests may be Care Partners or Social Visitors.
- The 4 guests may come and go but must remain the same for that day.
- Limit 2 guests at the bedside. Guests must be 18 years or older. The care
team will monitor the number of visitors at the bedside.
- Guests who are not at the bedside may not congregate in the hallway outside
of the patient’s room. Waiting areas and lobby areas should be utilized.
- Guests may switch in non-care areas such lobbies, café, and waiting areas.
- Only ONE (1) Care Partner permitted to stay the night from 8PM until 8AM.
The overnight guest will inform the Information Desk that they will be
staying overnight and must obtain a new visitor badge from the Information
Desk the next morning.
Emergency Department (ED)
- TWO (2) Visitors are permitted to provide support, transportation, care
continuity, and receive education regarding patient's care.
- ONE (1) Visitor for Covid-19 positive patient permitted by manager or designee
dependent on facility to manage.
- Upon admission, visitor may be identified as Care Partner following current
visitation policy
- Children 12 and younger must have ED Charge approval for visiting.
- Upon admission, no one under the age of 18 can accompany patient to the floor.
- Upon admission, all visitors accompanying patient to floor must check in
with public safety to be identified as a Care Partner.
Behavioral Health Services
- No Care Partner or social visitors allowed.
- TWO (2) Care Partners are designated and remain the same throughout the
- Care Partners are permitted at the bedside at the same time.
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
- TWO (2) Care Partners are designated at admission and remain the same throughout
- Care Partners are permitted at the bedside at the same time.
Labor and Delivery
- TWO (2) Care Partners are designated and must remain the same throughout
- Care Partners are permitted at the bedside at the same time.
- ONE (1) additional person may be added for delivery only.
Mother Baby
- THREE (3) Care Partners are designated in Labor and Delivery and must remain
same throughout admission.
- Only ONE (1) Care Partner may spend the night, other Care Partner must
leave at end of visiting hours.
AM Admissions
- TWO (2) family members over the age of 12 once the patient has been in
PACU for 2 hours, and only for 10 minutes
Surgical Services
- ONE (1) Procedural Support person allowed to be with patient after completion
of AM Admission process.
- Procedural support person permitted in designated waiting area.
- If patient admitted, Care Partner designation will occur according the
VH visitation level.
Heart & Vascular/Non-invasive and Invasive Cardiology
- ONE (1) Procedural Support person allowed to be with patient in pre-procedural area.
- Procedural Support person must wait in designated waiting area during procedure.
- If patient admitted, Care Partner designation will occur according to VH
visitation level.
Acute Rehab
- TWO (2) designated Care Partners that remain same throughout the admission
- 1 Care partner can visit each day
- Visitation hours Monday- Saturday 5:30-7:00pm & Sunday 1:00-4:00pm.
- Visitors will check in at front desk upon arrival
- No off floor visits permitted
- Family training will be held. All participants must follow patient safety measures.
Critical Access Hospital: Transitional Care patients (ONLY)
- TWO (2) Care Partners will be designated by the patient and remain the
same throughout the admission
- Both Care Partners are permitted at the bedside.
- Only ONE (1) Care Partner permitted to stay the night.
- NO social visitation.
Persons with a Disability
- TWO (2) Care Partners will be designated by the patient to serve as active
participants in the patient's care, and entered into EPIC by the care
team. The designated Care Partners will remain the same throughout the
- 4 guests in hospital per day per room. Guests may be Care Partners or Social Visitors.
- The 4 guests may come and go but must remain the same for that day.
- Limit 2 guests at the bedside. Guests must be 18 years or older. The care
team will monitor the number of visitors at the bedside.
- Guests who are not at the bedside may not congregate in the hallway outside
of the patient’s room. Waiting areas and lobby areas should be utilized.
- Guests may switch in non-care areas such lobbies, café, and waiting areas.
- One guest may stay overnight.
- The overnight guest will inform the Information Desk that they will be
staying overnight and must obtain a new visitor badge from the Information
Desk the next morning.
- Even under visitation restrictions, if care lasts longer than 24 hours,
the disabled patient may have a second designated Care Partner at the bedside.
- Badged Community Clergy may visit in addition to the four (4) maximum visitors
per day and may be at the bedside in addition to the two guests.
- Unbadged Clergy may visitas one of the four (4) guests per room, per day
and one of the two (2) guests at the bedside.
- All Community Clergy must adhere to current making and infection control
policies as indicated in the Universal Source Control (Universal Masking) policy.
- End of Life/Imminent Death: Badged Community Clergy are permitted in addition
to the two (2) maximum guests at the bedside. Unbadged Clergy are permitted
as one of the tow (2) guests at the bedside.
- Virtual visitation options are also available through Valley Health Chaplaincy.
Family Meeting (all units)
- Family meetings for goals of care discussion and decision making are permitted
and will be arranged by the care team.
- The care team will provide the front desk with a list of family members
who will be attending.
Imaging Services
- ONE (1) Procedural Support person allowed to be with patient in pre-procedural area.
- Procedural Support person must wait in designated waiting area during procedure.
- If patient admitted, Care Partner designation will occur according to VH
visitation level.
Infusion Center
- ONE (1) Procedural Support person allowed to be with patient in pre-procedural area.
- Procedural Support person must wait in designated waiting area during procedure.
- If patient admitted, Care Partner designation will occur according to VH
visitation level.
Outpatient Diagnostic Center
- ONE (1) Procedural Support person allowed to be with patient in pre-procedural area.
- Procedural Support person must wait in designated waiting area during procedure.
- If patient admitted, Care Partner designation will occur according to VH
visitation level.
Cardiac Rehab
- ONE (1) Care Partner is permitted to arrive with patient
- Care Partner will remain in waiting area during exercise session.
- Care Partner is not permitted to attend classroom orientation session.
Post Anesthesia Care Unit
- TWO (2) family members over the age of 12 once the patient has been in
PACU for 2 hours, and only for 10 minutes.
START Clinic
- ONE (1) Procedural Support person allowed to be with patient in pre-procedural area.
- Procedural Support person must wait in designated waiting area during procedure.
Surgi-Center at Winchester Medical Center (on the WMC campus)
- ONE (1) Procedural Support person allowed to be with patient in pre-procedural area.
- Procedural Support person must wait in designated waiting area during procedure.
- If patient admitted, Care Partner designation will occur according to VH
visitation level.
Valley Health Surgery Center (off the WMC campus)
- ONE (1) Procedural Support person allowed to be with patient in pre-procedural area.
- Procedural Support person must wait in designated waiting area during procedure.
- If patient admitted, Care Partner designation will occur according to VH
visitation level.
Wound Care
- TWO (2) Care Partners will be designated by the patient that are permitted
to be with the patient during outpatient visit.
- ONE (1) social visitor permitted.
Transition Center
- ONE (1) Procedural Support person allowed to be with patient in pre-procedural area.
- Procedural Support person must wait in designated waiting area during procedure.
Cancer Center
- One Care Partner designated by the patient is permitted.
- All patients and Care Partners are required to wear a mask while in the building.
- Waiting in Cancer Center lobbies is not permitted.
- No limited group educational events will be held.
- At the oncologist's discretion a Care Partner may accompany the patient
into the exam room or may be required to participate virtually.
- ONE (1) Procedural Support person remains at bedside throughout the stay.
- Procedural Support person should refrain from eating, drinking, and moving
about the facility.
- Re-entry not permitted.
- NO social visitation.
- If patient admitted, inpatient Care Partner process initiated.
Heart Failure Clinic
- ONE (1) Care Partner is permitted to escort and remain in exam room with
the patient during the clinic visit.
EECP Therapy
(Enhanced External Counterpulsation)
- ONE (1) Care Partner is permitted to escort and remain in exam room with
the patient during the procedure.
- Limit to one patient per session