Your Care Team
The Medical Providers You Might Meet During Your Health Care Journey
There are hundreds of caregiving roles filled by highly trained, specialized
employees who work both directly with patients and behind the scenes.
Get to know members of your care team, and feel more confident in your
Valley Health experience.
- Primary care physicians (who may be trained in family medicine, internal
medicine or pediatrics) are the primary medical contact for most patients.
Treating patients for new and ongoing illnesses, chronic conditions or
nonemergency injuries, their focus is on checkups and preventive care.
Hospitalists provide care oversight to inpatients, offering continuity
of care during a hospital stay. Specialists have expertise in disease-
or organ-specific treatments and diagnoses due to additional training
and board certification in, for example, cardiology, urology or dermatology.
Physician Assistants (PAs)
- These licensed healthcare providers work under the supervision of a physician
and conduct exams, order tests, diagnose and treat illness, write prescriptions,
and advise patients about preventive care.
Nurse Practitioners (NPs)
- These nurses with advance training order tests, treat chronic and acute
conditions, prescribe medication, and provide preventive care under the
supervision of a physician.
Nurses/Registered Nurses (RNs)
- These professionals manage and implement the care plan for patients in
hospitals, physician practices and other settings, and provide support
and care services under the direction of a physician.
Certified Nurse Assistants (CNAs)
- Also known as nursing assistants, CNAs help patients with quality-of-life
needs (bathing, meals, bed positioning, etc.), and take vital signs and
answer call bells for hospitalized patients.
Imaging, Laboratory and Other Diagnostic Staff
- Specially trained employees perform a range of diagnostic services for
both inpatients and outpatients. The services and tests they administer
include imaging (such as x-rays, sonograms and MRIs), bloodwork, pathology
and biopsy.
Rehabilitative Therapists
- Physical, occupational and speech therapists are a few of the professionals
who provide services designed to restore movement, self-care and quality
of life to those with developmental, age and/or injury-related dysfunction
that impact daily living and/or communication.
Respiratory Therapists
- These individuals care for patients who have trouble breathing—for
example, from a chronic respiratory disease, such as asthma, emphysema
or cystic fibrosis. Their patients range from premature infants with undeveloped
lungs to elderly patients who have diseased lungs. Some provide emergency
care to patients suffering from heart attacks, drowning, or inhalation trauma.
Case Managers, Social Workers and Care Navigators
- These individuals assist with assessment, planning, facilitation, care
coordination, evaluation, and advocacy for options and services to meet
an individual's comprehensive health needs. They collaborate with other
providers, local nonprofits, government agencies, and other organizations
to ensure patients have resources needed.
Hospital Pharmacists
- Pharmacists, in collaboration with pharmacy technicians, compound sterile
products for patients including medications given intravenously, such
as antibiotics and chemotherapy, and monitor and assess the safe administration
of oral and other medications and drugs.
Integrative Services Team
- These employees support patient care in a variety of ways through nutrition
services, environmental services (housekeeping/janitorial), sterile processing,
patient transport, etc.