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Welcome to the new Valley Health MyChart!

Coming Soon: Historical Test Results in MyChart on April 8, 2025. Valley Health will be adding older scanned test results to your MyChart health record. You may receive a message that you have a new test result, even though it is from the past. Click on "View Results" in order to review the scanned result and the date it was issued.

Through MyChart you will be able to access personal health information - including appointments, test results and more. Your username and password have not changed from the old Valley Health portal. If you experience any issues logging in, please use the Forgot Username or Forgot Password workflows, or call the helpdesk at 888-730-4812. Visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page for more information on recent changes.

Previously, Valley Health shared a MyChart portal with Inova. If you need to access Inova’s MyChart portal, click here.

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Use MyChart on Your Mobile Phone or Device

MyValleyHealth app iconDownload the “My Valley Health” mobile app for easy access to MyChart on the go. My Valley Health can be downloaded on your phone or tablet. Search “My Valley Health” in app stores, or use these buttons to download:

Available on the App Store

Android app on Google Play

More About MyChart

MyChart is a free, easy, and secure way to view portions of your personal health information and communicate with members of your Valley Health healthcare team.

If you have received healthcare services at a Valley Health hospital, an Urgent Care location, or from any Valley Health Medical Group practice, your medical record can be found in MyChart. Patients who are inpatients at any Valley Health hospital; a patient at any of our Urgent Care locations; or have an office visit at a Valley Health Medical Group practice, receive an After Visit Summary (AVS) that has an activation code to create a MyChart account.

With MyChart, you can:

  • Access and review test results. No more waiting for a phone call or letter.
  • Receive automated reminders for important health screenings, like mammograms or blood pressure checks.
  • Request prescription renewals.
  • Send a secure email message to your doctor’s office at anytime.
  • Keep track of allergies, immunizations and medications.
  • View details of upcoming or past appointments.
  • Update personal information.
  • Pay bills online.

Have questions about MyChart? Click here to visit our FAQ page.

To submit a request for additional patient health information, click here.

Signing Up for a MyChart Account

Activate Your Account Sign Up Online

There are three ways that you can sign up for MyChart:

  1. Sign up at a Valley Health location:
    1. Our staff can assist you in signing up for a MyChart account during your visit.
  2. Activate your account:
    1. Click on the Activate Your Account button above.
    2. Use the activation code that can be found on your enrollment letter, bill or the last page of your visit summary. Follow the instructions to activate your account.
  3. Sign up online:
    1. If you do not have an activation code and do not already have an account, click on the Sign Up Online button above. Follow the instructions to create your account.

For additional assistance please call Valley Health MyChart Support, 888-730-4812.