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Financial Assistance


Valley Health System (VHS) offers a Financial Assistance Program. VHS Financial Counselors can be reached toll-free at 888-472-0045



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Financial Assistance Program

VHS offers a Financial Assistance Program to assist those who are truly unable to pay for emergency or medically necessary care. The purpose of VHS Financial Counselors is to serve as guides to patients and guarantors in need of assistance. Financial Counselors are available to answer questions, work with patients and caregivers to identify the programs that are most appropriate for each patient’s particular needs and ability to pay, to assist in the Financial Assistance Application process, to assist with the application, enrollment, or referral to the various government assistance or insurance programs that may be appropriate to the patient’s needs, as well as to establish payment plans for those who do not qualify for Financial Assistance or any other program.

It is strongly recommended that patients and caregivers concerned about their ability to pay for medically necessary services contact the VHS Financial Counselors at the earliest opportunity, including prior to future, expected medically necessary services, in order that the Financial Assistance or other assistance programs can be in place to cover the greatest amount of care possible and to avoid unnecessary self-pay billing and collection activity.

Types of Financial Assistance Available

For patients who are not eligible for Medical Assistance or other assistance programs, Financial Assistance is available and generally based on family income. A 100% Financial Assistance discount is available for patients who have a combined family income up to 200% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). For families with incomes between 200% and 300% of FPL, partial Financial Assistance is available on a sliding-scale. For families with incomes above 300%, up to 500% of FPL, Catastrophic Financial Assistance discounts are available if medical bills exceed 30% of family income. Patients who are eligible for partial Financial Assistance and Catastrophic Financial Assistance will be billed no more than the Amounts Generally Billed (AGB) billed to insured individuals. Please see the full FAP and explanation of how AGB and partial discounts are calculated, as well as the current AGB rate. Financial Assistance awards may be reduced if significant assets, as described in the full FAP, are available to help cover the cost of medical care.

All United States citizens, permanent U.S. residents, and individuals who intend to stay in the U.S. as permanent residents are eligible for Financial Assistance. Patients who do not intend to remain permanently in the U.S., or are in the U.S. on a student visa or tourist visa are not eligible for VHS Financial Assistance. Regardless of residency status, all patients are expected comply with the screening and application processes of any local, state (including any state programs for which in they may be eligible, whether in the state of patient's current location or in the state of permanent residence), or federal programs that would cover the cost of the same medical care, including traveler health programs or any organizational programs, such as those administered by foreign governments or international organizations/corporations for affiliated persons

How to Apply

Patients and caregivers are encouraged to contact:

  • VHS Financial Counselors at 888-472-0045 or by email to at the earliest possible opportunity.
  • The VHS Financial Assistance Application (English and Spanish versions available) is linked above. Paper copies of the Financial Assistance Application may also be obtained without charge at VHS registration desks at each VHS hospital and Emergency Department, in writing to the address below, or by calling the VHS Financial Counselors at the number above. Correspondence, including requests for Financial Counseling assistance, Financial Assistance, completed Financial Assistance Applications, and supporting documentation may be submitted in writing to:
    Financial Counseling Dept.
    Valley Health System
    P.O. Box 37152
    Baltimore, MD 21297
  • In person Financial Counseling assistance, including help with applications and billing questions, is available from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday, except holidays, in our Customer Service Center located in Suite 100 of the VHS System Support Building (SSB) directly off of the main lobby:
    Customer Service Center
    220 Campus Blvd., Suite 100
    Winchester, VA 22601
  • All other in person Financial Counseling locations at Valley Health System facilities remain closed at this time due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Customer Service Center in the SSB has been constructed to allow greater distancing, including glass partitions and other safeguards to promote the safety of our visitors and employees. Other in person locations will re-open as circumstances permit.

Valley health Patient Billing and Collections Policy