Winchester Medical Center is very pleased to announce that we have been
awarded four stars from the Breastfeeding-Friendly Designation Program.
The five star program awards a star for every two steps achieved in the
Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding as defined by the
World Health Organization (WHO) and
Baby Friendly USA. Our staff is dedicated to supporting you on your breastfeeding journey.
Breastfeeding not only provides important nutrients and antibodies, but
it also aids in developing an emotional relationship between you and your baby.
All new mothers need support, and we are here to provide resources and
information on feeding your baby. After delivery, all new mothers are
given the option to meet with one of our three Board Certified Lactation
Consultants for help, support and information on feeding your new baby.
Other ways we can help you bond with your baby and support you in breastfeeding include:
- Ample time spent skin-to-skin with your baby after delivery
- The opportunity to “room-in” with your baby
- Delaying the baby’s first bath for several hours
If you are interested in learning more about breastfeeding, please see
our class options
Resources for Breastfeeding
Whether you breastfeed for one day or one year, all new moms have questions.
Below are links, books and local resources to provide you with information
and support.
Websites about breastfeeding
Asymmetric latching instructions
Breastfeeding Helplines
1-800-994-9662 is a breastfeeding helpline staffed by peer counselors. Available 9:00-6:00
EST. Closed weekends and Federal holidays.
1-888-588-3423 is an after-hours helpline provided by the Appalachian Breastfeeding Network.
1-877-4-LA LECHE (452-5324). LLL Breastfeeding Helpline--for 24-hour breastfeeding help
Community Support Groups
La Leche League meetings:
Breastfeeding Gear
The Nest is located in North Tower, Main floor. Lots of Medela and Ameda products
and nursing bras can be purchased here.
Bestfeeding: How to Breastfeed Your Baby, 2004 by Suzanne Arms, Chloe Fisher, and Mary Renfrew
Breastfeeding Made Simple: Seven Natural Laws for Nursing Mothers, 2010 by Nancy Mohrbacher, Kathleen Kendall-Tackett PhD and Jack Newman MD
Dr. Jen’s Guide to Breastfeeding Meet your breastfeeding goals by
understanding your body and your baby by Dr. Jennifer Thomas, MD
Great Expectations: The Essential Guide to Breastfeeding, 2009 by Marianne Neifert, MD
The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers: The Most Comprehensive Problem-Solving
Guide to Breastfeeding by Jack Newman MD and Teresa Pitman RN
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, 2010 by Diane Wiessinger, Diana West, and Teresa Pitman
Your Guide to Breastfeeding. Download a free copy of the excellent booklet from the website.
Breastfeeding Solutions by Nancy Mohrbacher
MommyMeds by Infant Risk Center
MyMedela for tracking feedings or pumping
Websites for Breastmilk Donations