Recognizing concussion and deciding when an athlete can safely play again take a team effort. Valley Health sponsors several different programs to help our region's local high schools make sure student athletes are healed before returning to play.
Young baseball pitchers may throw the ball too hard, too much, too early or without rest. Valley Health sponsors the National Youth Pitching Survey created by the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine for area youth ages 12-18 who have pitched in the last 12 months.
Breaking Balls and Breaking Down: Young ballplayers may be throwing too hard, too much, too early and without rest.
Survey Criteria: Pitched in the last 12 months, ages 12-18.
Click here to take the survey.
“Information from the professional pitchers’ survey indicates that a pitcher does not need to throw a breaking ball before age 12 to have a successful career. In fact, this data suggests that delaying the use of the breaking ball until a later age may help protect the young arm against future injury, and promote optimal development of pitching skill and strength.”- Joseph B. Chandler, M.D., Director of Medical Services, Atlanta Braves