The Valley Health Breast Center offers a comprehensive clinic for women who wish to learn more about their individual lifetime risk of developing breast cancer. After consultation with our breast surgeon, patients are advised about the potential need for genetic counseling and testing, the role of advanced breast imaging, and strategies to reduce risk.
Call the Valley Health Breast Center at 540-536-5466 to learn more about our High-Risk Breast Clinic.
Please take the online assessment (below) to determine if you qualify for a consultation at the High-Risk Breast Clinic.
1) Have you had any of the following?
2) Are you, your parents, or grandparents of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry?
3) Have any close family members (including parents, siblings, children, aunts and uncles, or grandparents) had any of the following?
4) Do you have a personal history of breast cancer between 46-50 years old and any of the following?
5) Do you have a total of three breast cancers in your family, including at least one breast cancer in you?
6) Do you have a personal history of breast cancer at any age and any of the following?
If you answered YES to any of the above questions, you qualify for a consultation at the High-Risk Breast Clinic.
Call the Valley Health Breast Center at 540-536-5466 to learn more about our High-Risk Breast Clinic.