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Do you have allergies, a cold, or strep? Let’s find out!

Do you have allergies, a cold, or strep? Let’s find out!

Allergy season is here, but it can be a challenge to distinguish between allergies, the common cold, and strep throat.

Here are some symptoms that can help you figure out what you might have:

Although some individuals experience allergies year-round, they are typically worse in the spring and fall. Allergies often result in sinus congestion; sneezing; a clear runny nose; and itchy, watery eyes. Most often those who suffer from allergies will have symptoms at the same time each year. While there can be a sore throat, most people describe it as scratchy rather than severe. Allergies are typically treated with over-the-counter medications.

The common cold involves congestion, runny nose and cough. It can also involve a sore throat. There is rarely fever or body aches. Most often, individuals don’t feel as bad as they would with other types of infections. It is important to note that colds are caused by a virus. Viruses are not killed by antibiotics. Although patients might believe antibiotics have helped them, what actually heals them is the passage of time that is equivalent to the length of time they were on antibiotics.

Strep throat is not accompanied by other upper respiratory symptoms. Typically, the only symptoms are a very sore throat and a fever. Some people will get a headache, body aches and loss of appetite. Adults get sicker than children. Strep throat is treated with antibiotics.

It is important to recognize that COVID can present as any of the above.

When to make an appointment?

A person should seek care if they have a fever with sore throat or a fever with body aches and headaches. Being unable to handle oral secretions or drooling is also an indication that an individual needs urgent care. Shortness of breath or increased work in breathing will need to be seen.

If there is decreased alertness, a decrease in wet diapers, concentrated urine, or other signs of dehydration, an individual should see their provider.

Visit or your primary care provider if you present with any of these symptoms.