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Radiology Nursing Career Spotlight

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Radiology Nursing Career Spotlight

Radiology nurses care for patients who need diagnostic imaging procedures and radiation therapy. The most common diagnostic imaging tests are MRIs (magnetic resonance imaging scans), ultrasounds, CT scans (computed tomography scans), and x-rays. Learn about a day in the life of a Radiology nurse from a team of Radiology Nurses at Winchester Medical Center.

Nancy, BSN, RN (RNIV)

What drove you to work in radiology nursing?

I was at a point where it was time for new opportunities and growth in my career!

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I work with the best people. I enjoy all of the staff I work with. We all strive for excellence and going to work is enjoyable!

What is your connection to purpose?

In our department, we see people who are both staying in the hospital, and also those who are just coming in for their appointment. Many of our patients must come in regularly for care therefore we get to know their families. We feel we are with them through their ups and downs. We are personally involved with their care, and they are very appreciative of that close bond. The other great part of this job is the variety of team members that help us with the care of our patients. We work with radiologists, radiology techs, radiology physician practitioners, anesthesiologists, and urologists. Altogether, we strive to provide a positive experience for every one of our patients.

Adrian, BSN, RN (RNIII)

What drove you to work in radiology nursing?

I was ready for a career change. I read about the job description and thought it sounded interesting and different from the other positions that I have had. I had been in my previous position for 7 years. I didn’t know very much about radiology and thought that it would force me to step out of my comfort range and do something new.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I love the diversity of patients and procedures that we do. There is always something new and we cover so many areas. You never really know what the day will bring and that keeps me on my toes. Add that the group of people that I work with are the best nurses around and you have the perfect job!

What is your connection to purpose?

I have two sons. My oldest son had open heart surgery at two years old and was diagnosed with T1D at 12. When I was young and in nursing school, I told myself that I went into nursing to help people, to have a good income, and always have job availability. The staff in radiology, including Ultrasound, CT, and MRI, were instrumental in diagnosing and saving my son. Being in the field of nursing allows me to feel like I can be involved in helping others in that same way. Knowing I have the knowledge and skills to be this person drives me.

What is a fun or interesting fact about you?

I went to Nursing school at Shenandoah University. We worked closely with Valley Health in clinicals. While in school, I met a handsome nursing student. We got married and now both my husband and I are proud Valley Health employees!

Laura, BSN, RN (RNIII)

What drove you to work in radiology nursing?

I worked in a sister unit and admired the camaraderie of this group. When a position opened up, I immediately applied.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

My co-workers are the best part. I have made lifelong friends working in this department. We are a big family here. We do a lot for our patients, but also for each other and the community. I work with the kindest, most generous group of people around!

What is your connection to purpose?

I enjoy helping people and being there when I’m needed. Also, I had breast cancer over ten years ago. So many people were kind, compassionate, and generous when I was going through that tough time in my life. I want to spend the rest of my life returning that to others whenever possible.

What is a fun or interesting fact about you?

I love baseball! My son just finished up after playing for 18 years. I am also a huge Orioles fan and watch almost every game.

Patricia, BSN, RN (RNIII)

What drove you to work in radiology nursing?

I wanted to have job where I could provide patient care, use my existing skills, gain new skills, and have a regular schedule that would support a better work-life balance.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I enjoy the camaraderie I have with my coworkers; we work hard every day, but we have a great team of nurses, techs, radiology assistants, and doctors. This job is never boring because we are involved in so many different areas of diagnostic and therapeutic radiology, using cutting-edge imaging techniques.

What is your connection to purpose?

I see my main purpose as a nurse to provide not only skilled nursing care and education based on best evidence-based practices, but also comfort and empathy to my patients. Our patients are often chronically or acutely ill or receiving new, life-changing diagnoses. I strive to treat every patient the way I would want someone to treat me or my loved ones.

What is a fun or interesting fact about you? This can be work-related or personal?

When I’m not working, I enjoy spending time outdoors with my three rescue dogs.

Laura, BSN, RN (RNIII)

What drove you to work in radiology nursing?

Prior to working in Radiology, I worked in Med-Surg. I liked the idea of working in a procedural area and learning an entirely new aspect of nursing.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

Our department specializes in a wide variety of procedures in different modalities which makes it hard to be bored. I have always loved learning and the frequent addition of new procedures within our department helps to expand my knowledge base and keeps work exciting. One of the best things about my job in Radiology is my co-workers; we have a great team and we treat each other like family. I truly feel that our department is one of the best-kept secrets within Valley Health!

What is your connection to purpose?

Nursing was a second career for me, I have always wanted to become a nurse and decided to go back to school to achieve that goal. I like gaining knowledge that can be used to help others and nursing fulfills this need.

What is a fun or interesting fact about you?

I worked in Radiology initially in 2013 and then moved to Florida for my husband's job transfer, I worked in Pre-op and PACU at Cleveland Clinic while in Florida. When we returned back home to Virginia 4 years later I was lucky enough to slip right back into my old role in Radiology, the timing was beautiful.

Jennifer, BSN, RN (RNIII)

What drove you to work in radiology nursing?

After 9.5 years on the Medical/Surgical floor as an LPN, I did my RN preceptorship in Radiology nursing. I found it extremely interesting and exciting. As a floor nurse, I had always wondered what happened when my patients left the floor for their procedures and I thought it was fascinating to know the "why and how" behind the continuum of their care.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

Aside from working with the most supportive, intelligent, hysterical group of nurses who I consider family, I'd have to say being challenged daily and learning new skills while caring for our patients. Each day is different, we're rarely in the same modality two days in a row, so the monotony isn't there. There is so much to learn and see.

What is your connection to purpose?

I am a nurturer at heart. I most definitely feel my purpose is caring, educating, and guiding my patients through their journey here at work. Not only my patients but my loved ones and my community as well. Giving is much more rewarding than receiving.

What is a fun or interesting fact about you? This can be work-related or personal.

Well, the majority of our patients are scared and apprehensive when they walk through the door. If I can professionally lighten their mood, while making them feel safe and secure, I will try my best to do so. To me, there is no greater reward.

Jane, BSN, RN, Charge Nurse

What drove you to work in radiology nursing?

I wanted a nursing position where I could be at the bedside caring for patients while providing a good work/life balance. I am able to have the best of both worlds as a radiology nurse.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

The team approach that my work family has. If it's a busy day for one nurse that means it was a busy day for every nurse in the department. No one is left to labor alone. I also love that we are active participants in the prep of patients, the intra-procedure as well as the recovery of patients.

What is your connection to purpose?

When you see a team member succeed at a new skill or have happiness in their role, then I know each co-worker grew that employee to blossom into the next level.

What is a fun or interesting fact about you?

This can be work-related or personal. I am an absolute boy-mom and love it! When I was a young child I wanted to be a lion tamer, then God gave me three boys. I feel like I do indeed spend my time taming lions!