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Community Health Needs Survey

Every three years, Valley Health joins with community partners including local health departments, education systems and social service agencies to conduct a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA). The information obtained from this assessment provides a better understanding of the health needs of our community, any gaps in the availability of services, and the impact of behaviors on health outcomes.

A key part of a health needs assessment is gathering input from individuals living across the region, and this is where we need your help. Please click on the button below to access the 2024-2025 Community Health Survey. The survey should take less than five minutes to complete.

English Version:

Community Health Survey

Versión en Español:

Encuesta de Salud

Please know we value your feedback. Your input will help us identify health needs in our community, and how we can work collaboratively to improve health. We are, indeed, "Healthier together."